Prem Kumar Shanmugam
Solace Sabah,Malaysia
Title: Solace prime–High about recovery: A biopsychosociospiritual approach that extends beyond residential treatment
Biography: Prem Kumar Shanmugam
The etiology of addiction is multifactorial and complex. We know that not everyone becomes dependent instantly as the disease takes time to manifest itself. Furthermore there are multifactorial components that lead to and condition this disease mainly, biological, psychological, social and spiritual. All these various components play a specific role in addictions while some serve a bigger purpose as compared to others. Treating this biopsychosociospiritual disease in a residential setting requires a comprehensive approach, which not only addresses these models influencing it but be holistic at the same time. Treatment also needs to meet clients at their level of motivation and extend even upon discharge addressing the situations in society and the environment the person returns to. This paper presents such a programme, Solace Prime, a residential treatment programme for addictions. It is developed based on scientific and evidence-based approaches with all addictions in mind. The programme is built around Prochaska’s Transtheoretical model of change with the spiritual concepts of the 12-step programme at each stage and driven by theories such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Rational Emotive Behavioural Theray (REBT) coupled with alternative therapies such as meditation, nutrition and fitness training. This provides the holistic approach needed to treat a biopsychosociospiritual disease. Over the years treating addictions has taken many approaches but not many have looked into the 28-day residential treatment programme. This paper presents Solace Prime, a holistic, scientific and integrated treatment approach, which has the capability to extend treatment even after discharge from residential treatment.