Francisco José Montero-Bancalero
Professor at Osuna University, Spain
Title: New technologies focused on prevention and intervention of addiction problems
Biography: Francisco José Montero-Bancalero
Society is changing faster than ever before. New Technologies of Information and Communication (NTICs) play an important role in people’s life and have changed the way in which people interact forever. In this context, NTICs are a key tool that professionals must understand and make use of, while remembering that NTICs change quickly themselves. Since NTICs are a part of people’s life, they cannot be excluded from the field of health, and addictions are no exception. This tool allows professionals to reach a lot of people in a fast, easy and economical way for everyone. Websites, blogs, social networks, mobile apps, personal computers and tablets are important resources for contacting drug abusers or risk groups, for disseminating prevention campaigns to the general population, for accessing new advances in the research field or simply for sharing information about events or news related to addictions. Bloggers and community managers are new roles that feature a lot of professionals.