Call for Abstract

5th International Conference and Exhibition on Addiction Research & Therapy, will be organized around the theme “Unifying the new discoveries and advanced approaches toward Addiction”

Addiction Therapy 2016 is comprised of 17 tracks and 5 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Addiction Therapy 2016.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Addiction causes long lasting changes in the in vulnerable individuals. The persistence of these behavioral changes is due to long-lasting changes in gene expression in order to drive these lasting changes in gene expression epigenetic mechanisms play a crucial role. It is an important mechanism used to understand Addiction Science. Other mechanisms include biochemical mechanism of drug toxicity, Genetic linkage studies, biochemical assay is also carried for chronic alcoholism. Genetically a person does not inherit a substance abuse they inherit a susceptibility to it. People having susceptibility may not develop a problem of drug or alcohol abuse if they are not exposed to factors of addiction.

  • Track 1-1Epigenetic mechanisms in Addiction
  • Track 1-2Inherited biological factors contributing to substance abuse and drug addiction
  • Track 1-3Biochemical mechanisms of drug toxicity
  • Track 1-4Genetic linkage studies
  • Track 1-5Biochemical assay for alcoholism
  • Track 1-6Chemical assay of drugs and drug metabolites

Substance abuse causes alteration in the genetic structure and functions of nervous system which leads to various neurological and behavioral changes in the form of substance abuse disorders. For the treatment of substance related disorders it is necessary to understand the neurology of substance use.

  • Track 2-1Advances in neurology of substance use
  • Track 2-2Substance abuse and alteration in genetic structure
  • Track 2-3Neurological and behavioral changes
  • Track 2-4Substance abuse disorders

Drug addiction is a brain disease that is characterized by compulsive drug seeking, despite of its harmful consequences. It causes changes in the normal activity of the nervous system damaging the nerve tissues, killing neurons and this leads to dysregulation of neural system. Thus uncontrolled drug use results in toxicity of brain. Some of the behavioral effects of drug addiction include Paranoia, Aggressiveness, Impulsiveness, and Loss of Self-Control. Prescription drugs that are often abused are opioids, sleep medicines.

  • Track 3-1Behavioral effects of drug addiction
  • Track 3-2Dysregulation of neural systems
  • Track 3-3Advances in neurobiology of drug addiction
  • Track 3-4Durg use and toxicity
  • Track 3-5Mental and neural effects of misuse

New advances in psychology and neuroscience have shed light on the changes that long term use of alcohol and other drugs brings into the brain especially in brain reward system, to foster continued and chronic patterns of compulsive drug abuse. New research topics in addiction include Behavioral Pharmacology Research, Relationship between youth violence and substance abuse, effect of alcohol on cognitive functioning and cocaine vaccines and addiction epidemiological research. Behavioral Pharmacology Research implies broad-based substance abuse clinical research program encompassing both human laboratory research and outpatient treatment research. Cocaine abuse is an ongoing and serious problem therefore vaccines against cocaine are being developed.

  • Track 4-1Advances in epidemiological studies of addiction
  • Track 4-2Social Anxiety and Drug Use
  • Track 4-3Drug Abuse, Dopamine, and the Brain Reward System
  • Track 4-4Behavioral pharmacology research
  • Track 4-5Youth violence and substance abuse
  • Track 4-6Cognitive Improvement and Alcohol Recovery
  • Track 4-7Cocaine Vaccine

Animal models has contributed immensely to our understanding of addiction mainly drug abuse, its consequences and prevention and treatment. Animal studies have yielded fundamental insights into why people abuse drugs and how drugs cause the compulsion and disordered thinking seen in addiction. It is a valuable research tools because they allow scientists to conduct experiments that they could never perform on humans. It has various effects on human race, results from animal studies should be extrapolated to humans with caution, their value is incalculable. Case reports are also incorporated in addiction research.

  • Track 5-1Animal model practices to Strengthen addiction research
  • Track 5-2Effects and side effects on human race
  • Track 5-3Clinical aspects of addiction study
  • Track 5-4Addiction case reports

Behavioral changes in human race occur due to various multimedia addictions which is becoming prominent in the daily life of the community. Among this, major is food addiction, caused due to binge eating habits and unscheduled meal sessions. Internet usage and gaming is most prominent in the young generation as they are always connected to the digital media sources to gain knowledge about the current activities all across the globe. Hence, living standards and habits changes to explore new trends in fashion world and lead them to be shopping addicts. More exposure and freeness in the society is increasing the concerns for serious involvement in pornography or other related sex addiction activities.

  • Track 6-1Food addiction and eating disorder
  • Track 6-2Gambling and casino addiction
  • Track 6-3Internet addiction
  • Track 6-4Gaming addiction
  • Track 6-5Lifestyle and shopping
  • Track 6-6Sex addiction and pornography

Drug Addiction is a condition that results when a person ingests a substance that can be pleasurable but the continued use or act of which becomes compulsive and interferes with ordinary life responsibilities, such as work, health, and relationships. Most common type of addiction is drug addiction along with cocaine and gambling addiction. Tobacco and smoking addiction is mainly present in Asian & European countries.

  • Track 7-1Tobacco and Cannabis
  • Track 7-2Cocaine and Heroin addiction
  • Track 7-3Nicotine addiction
  • Track 7-4Opiate addiction
  • Track 7-5Hallucinogen addiction
  • Track 7-6Steroid abuse
  • Track 7-7Smoking addiction and cessation

Binge drinking is a serious problem it means heavy episodic drinking, a modern epithet for drinking alcoholic beverages with the primary intention of becoming intoxicated by heavy consumption of alcohol over a short period of time. This type of problematic drinking which leads to alcohol dependency is called alcoholism. In this dependency various psychological and clinical changes takes place in the human body including alcoholic liver diseases. Women alcoholism during pregnancy may result in fetal alcohol syndrome which is a pattern of seviour physical and mental defects in the developing fetus. Alcoholic polyneuropathy is damage to the nerves that results from excessive drinking of alcohol, chronic pancreatitis & Peptic ulcers is also a serious disease caused due to alcohol addiction. Delirium tremens (DTs) is caused by alcohol withdrawal after a period of heavy drinking and lead to severe mental and nervous system changes. Various chemotherapeutic agents like methadone are used for alcohol detoxification.

  • Track 8-1Binge drinking
  • Track 8-2Alcoholic behavior-psychological and clinical Issues
  • Track 8-3Women alcoholism and fetal alcohol syndrome
  • Track 8-4Alcoholic liver disease
  • Track 8-5Alcohol related brain impairment (ARBI)
  • Track 8-6Alcoholic polyneuropathy
  • Track 8-7Chronic pancreatitis & Peptic ulcers
  • Track 8-8Delirium tremens (DTs)
  • Track 8-9Alcohol detoxification using chemotherapeutic agents

Consumption of a substance in a manner or amount which is very harmful to the user and its surrounding is termed as substance abuse. For many teens, illicit use of central stimulants such as khat, methamphetamine and dopamine become part of the landscape of their teenage years. Effect of substance abuse in adolescence is a very risky proposition. Substance Use Disorders occur when a person has a dependence on alcohol and or drugs that is accompanied by intense and sometimes uncontrollable cravings and compulsive behaviors to obtain the substance. Vulnerability to develop addiction also dependents on genetic factors. They are believed to contribute 40% to 60% to the risk for alcoholism, research on the genetics of alcohol dependency suggests that the tendency to become alcoholic is inherited via presumed genetic mutations. The altered gene functions due to mutation result in altered brain proteins.

  • Track 9-1Substance abuse and dependence
  • Track 9-2Central stimulants-khat, methamphetamine, dopamine
  • Track 9-3Effects of substance abuse on adolescents
  • Track 9-4Neurology of substance use
  • Track 9-5Substance abuse and alteration in genetic structure
  • Track 9-6Neurological and behavioral changes
  • Track 9-7Advances in diagnosis of substance abuse disorders

Marijuana and opioid addiction are the most common type of drug addiction. According to Addiction biology of marijuana, marijuana use can overstimulation the endocannabinoid system which causes changes in the brain. In order to minimize its effects control measures are taken. Opioid dependence characterized by a compulsive use of opioids. Opioid treatment measures include various maintenance therapies like pharmacologic therapy, methadone maintenance therapy.

  • Track 10-1Marijuana use
  • Track 10-2Advances in addiction biology of marijuana
  • Track 10-3Effects and control measures
  • Track 10-4Opioid dependence
  • Track 10-5Opioid treatment

Addiction psychiatry focuses on the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of people who are suffering from one or more disorders and mental health issues related to addiction. Counseling and addiction treatment is very essential for such individuals. Due to latest advancement in technologies like Mobile health, now days it has become so easy for the people to get connected to health services and being updated with all the information. Rural and underserved communities often suffer from limited access to specialty treatment programs this can be overcome by Tele mental health. Online Recovery programs provide the opportunity for alcohol and drug addiction treatment by trained experts via the Internet, in a way that is convenient and private.

  • Track 11-1Mental health and symptoms
  • Track 11-2Advances in addiction counselling and treatment
  • Track 11-3Advances in addiction psychology
  • Track 11-4Advances in addiction psychiatry
  • Track 11-5Psychological behavior study
  • Track 11-6Mobile health
  • Track 11-7Tele mental health
  • Track 11-8Online recovery programs

The toxic effects of drugs can mimic mental illness in ways that can be difficult to distinguish from mental illness. Drug induced brain disorders are distinct from independent co-occurring mental disorders in that all or most of the psychiatric symptoms are the direct result of substance use. It can’t be state that substance-induced disorders preclude co-occurring mental disorders, only that the specific symptom cluster at a specific point in time is more likely the result of substance use, abuse, intoxication, or withdrawal than of underlying mental illness. Some common substance related brain disorders are Anxiety, Depression and Insomnia, Schizophrenia, dementia, sleep disorder and Psychosis

  • Track 12-1Anxiety, Depression and Insomnia
  • Track 12-2Schizophrenia
  • Track 12-3Alcoholic dementia
  • Track 12-4Personality disorder
  • Track 12-5Psychosis
  • Track 12-6Epilepsy
  • Track 12-7Bipolar Disorder
  • Track 12-8Organic brain syndrome
  • Track 12-9Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome

Addiction has severe medical consequences like cancer, HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis, Respiratory Disease, chronic pain and suicide. Excess alcohol consumption causes alcoholic hepatitis, fatty liver and chronic hepatitis with hepatic fibrosis or cirrhosis. Unsafe use of injected drugs results in HIV/AIDS. Drug and alcohol addiction lead to a variety of respiratory problems like bronchitis, emphysema and lung cancer, drug Induced Pulmonary Toxicity and Alcoholic lung disease.

  • Track 13-1Stroke and chronic pain
  • Track 13-2Suicide
  • Track 13-3Cancer
  • Track 13-4HIV/AIDS
  • Track 13-5Hepatitis
  • Track 13-6Respiratory Disease
  • Track 13-7Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Various advancements in addiction treatment techniques will help in providing quality care for people with unhealthy alcohol, tobacco, or other drug use. Among them Cognitive behavioral therapy is a form of psychotherapy designed to treat behavioral effects of substance abuse. The Behavioral Pharmacology Research is a substance abuse clinical research program encompassing both human laboratory research and outpatient treatment research. Neurorehabilitation and therapy offers complex medical process which aims to aid recovery from a nervous system injury due to addiction. 12 step recovery therapy involves an active engagement strategy designed to increase the likelihood of a substance abuser becoming affiliated with and actively involved in 12-step self-help groups, thereby promoting abstinence. It has long been an important part of the recovery process and the basis for many recovery programs.

  • Track 14-1CBT therapy
  • Track 14-2Gestalt therapy
  • Track 14-312-Step facilitation therapy
  • Track 14-4Hypnotherapy
  • Track 14-5Behavioral therapies primarily for adolescents
  • Track 14-6The Matrix Model
  • Track 14-7Neurorehabilitation and therapy
  • Track 14-8Intensive outpatient program
  • Track 14-9Sober living
  • Track 14-10Group recovery therapy

Addiction treatment and rehabilitation involves various treatments and therapies. Substance abuse treatment comprises of Motivational therapy in which we encourage a patient to develop a negative view of their abuse, along with a desire to change their behavior. It is one of the important therapies included in Rehabilitation house treatment approaches. Social behavior in addiction can be treated by behavioral treatment approaches and drug induced addiction treatment.

  • Track 15-1Pharmacotherapies
  • Track 15-2Advances in addiction diagnosis
  • Track 15-3Substance abuse treatment
  • Track 15-4Motivational interviewing and incentives
  • Track 15-5Multidimensional family therapy
  • Track 15-6Rehabilitation house treatment approaches
  • Track 15-7Social behavior and treatment
  • Track 15-8Intervention
  • Track 15-9Maintenance treatment
  • Track 15-10Community reinforcement approach

Dual Diagnosis is a condition when a person suffers from both a substance abuse problem and another mental health issue such as depression or an anxiety disorder. Sometimes use alcohol or drugs are due to mental problems. Individuals who are dealing with Autism spectrum disorder are in high risk of substance abuse. They may feel that substance abuse helps them to cover their social ineptness but over time it begins to cause serious problems in their life. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is also relate to addiction.  Self-medication theory is widely used for the treatment of co-occurring disorders.

  • Track 16-1Advances in diagnosis & treatment
  • Track 16-2Autism spectrum disorder
  • Track 16-3Self-medication theory
  • Track 16-4Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder

Yoga and retreat approaches- have been designed to provide natural remedies, which inhibits the prolonged use of any substance. People who are mentally ill are prescribed to go with yoga as it restores brains dopamine functions and keeps stress out. Meditation brings the mid the state of rest, in which a human thinks of present. Dance and music therapies are given to people to bring a ray of hope inside them that they still can perform better than others. Retreat facilities provides special period of time for prayer, silence, rest, simplicity and contemplation. It is a way out from life’s daily stresses as well as an opportunity to deepen one’s experience of self and the universal energy that surrounds and supports us. Relapse offers a systematic method of teaching the abuser to recognize and manage relapse warning signs.

  • Track 17-1Yoga practice for addictive mind
  • Track 17-2Meditation as a cure for mental health
  • Track 17-3Dance and music therapies
  • Track 17-4Retreat facilities and relapse
  • Track 17-5Creative arts therapy