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Hadis yousef

Mohaghegh Ardebili University, Iran

Title: The effect of self-control training on alexithymia and tempting ideas in drug-dependent patients


Biography: Hadis yousef


The aim of the present paper is to study the eff ectiveness of self-control training on alexithymia and tempting ideas in drugdependent
patients. Method: this research is performed using pretesting and post testing plan with control group. Th e
statistical society in this research constitutes all addicted male individuals who voluntarily visited a detoxifi cation centers in
Tehran in 2013. Th e research sample includes 50 addicted men who were chosen by clinical randomly assigned into the two
“test” and “control” groups. Th e test group received self-control training for 10 sessions of 45 minutes. To collect the data, we
used the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (short version), Toronto Alexithymia Scale, scale tempting ideas, and morphine
test. Results: the results of the monotype variance analysis (MANOVA) showed that self-control training has been eff ective
on emotional well-being of individuals who are dependent on drugs. Discussion: emotional problems are among the most
signifi cant factors involved in drug-addiction; drug abusers have considerable problems in regulating and managing their
emotions. Self-control skills and the ability to manage one’s emotions can help people, in situations with high risk of substance
abuse, to acquire coping strategies, to better withstand the unwanted pressure from their friends, and to control their own
emotions more eff ectively, all resulting in demonstrating a higher resistance to drug consumption.